The Riddick movie franchise is notable in gaming circles. Not because the movies themselves are masterpieces - Pitch Black was passable B-movie fodder, while The Chronicles of Riddick was a puffed-up, overblown bore.
No, the Riddick movies are interesting because they spawned that rarest of beasts: a video game tie-in which is better than its source material.
Released on the Xbox in 2004, Escape from Butcher Bay, not only served as a prequel to the ill-fated flop that was The Chronicles of Riddick, but actually overshadowed its Hollywood counterpart in almost every regard.
So it was with quiet hope that I picked up my iPad to play the Riddick: The Merc Files, the latest video game homage to Vin Diesel's chrome-eyed monotone antihero.
Discover how I got on below.