Tiny Thief Competition

By , on September 30, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 3 months ago

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We don't approve of theft, but we do approve of Tiny Thief, the cutesy stealth puzzler from Rovio Stars.

Well it just so happen that we have "acquired" some unique Tiny Thief swag that we're willing to give away to you, the loyal and attractive AppSpy viewer.

To stand a chance of winning a Tiny Thief poster and a one-of-a-kind handmade crochet replica of the game's adorable ferret co-star, just click on this Twitter link  and hit the retweet button before Monday October 7th. It's that simple. It's practically daylight robbery. 

We'll announce the winners here, on the AppSpy YouTube channel, and via Twitter, so be sure to get those clicks in before October 7th. Good luck, and keep your noses clean in the meantime.