Dead Trigger 2 | Hands-On

By , on October 20, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 4 months ago

Dead Trigger, developer Madfinger's visually arresting entry into the zombie-shooter sub genre, was one of the surprise hits of 2012.

As anyone who has ever typed the letter 'z' into the App Store's search bar will know, zombie games are ten-a-penny on iOS. Like the undead hordes that they portray, these games continue to shamble relentlessly towards us, with every fallen, bullet-ridden carcass immediately replaced by five more. 

There was something about Dead Trigger, however, that managed to cut through the swathe of deadite-blasters and plunge a pipe wrench into the heart of mobile gamers everywhere.

On October 23rd, Madfinger will release Dead Trigger 2. We've just got our hands on a preview build. Here are the first 15 minutes of the single-player campaign:

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Check back soon for a Dead Trigger 2 multiplayer hands-on, and the upcoming AppSpy review.