Epoch.2 | Hands-On

By , on November 14, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

For the most part, cover-based shooters have traditionally been a console experience.

Ever since Gear of War popularised the magnetic wall mechanic, joypad jostlers have been inundated with third-person blasters which have you spending half the game bent double behind a pile of rubble like an arthritic bricklayer.

However, in 2011, Uppercut Games brought a variation of this popular subgenre to the App Store. The game was called Epoch., and it condensed the popular cover-based shooting mechanic to a touchscreen-friendly tap-and-swipe system.

We rather liked it, with our reviewer taking a particular shine to the innovate interface.

Today, Epoch.2 rolled onto iOS. Our review is incoming, but I recorded a hands-on video of the first couple of stages to tide you over till it arrives. Please to enjoy.

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