Galaxy on Fire: Alliances | Hands-On

By , on November 22, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

Galaxy on Fire: Alliances may not be the sequel you were expecting. In fact, it's not really sequel at all.

Rather than creating another instalment of third-person ship-to-ship combat, developer Fishlabs has decided to take the series in another, more strategic direction.

The result is a free-to-play game based around resource management and social co-operation, where you must unite with other players from around the world to form international armadas capable of bringing the universe to its knees.

The open beta for Galaxy on Fire: Alliances went live in 14 countries today, including New Zealand and Canada. I went hands-on with the game earlier today. Here is the result:

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Incidentally, if you want to hear about Galaxy on Fire: Alliances from one of the game's creators, check out our video interview with Fishlabs CEO Michael Schade.

He's gotten a bit further in the game than me, but he did have a headstart.

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