Assassin's Creed Pirates | Hands-On

By , on November 26, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

Ubisoft has just announced that Assassin's Creed Pirates, its seafaring iOS tie-in to console release Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, will drop anchor in App Store waters on December 5th.

However, it just so happens that we've got our hooked hands on a preview build of the privateering sim, and have been putting it through its peg-legged paces.

Cast as salty scoundrel Alonzo Batilla, you must sail the seas of the Caribbean blowing up other ships, looting treasure, and generally being a bit piratey.

If you want to see what all of that looks like, then cast your eyes over our hands-on video below, in which I guide you through the first 15 minutes of the game.

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