Tomb Raider I | Hands-On

By , on December 17, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

During my daily trawl through the App Store's latest releases, I unearthed an ancient artifact of historical significance.

Though it's not quite The Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant, the original Tomb Raider is an important chapter in the Big Book o' Videogames.

It introduced the world to gaming's most recognisable female protagonist, Lara Croft. It was one of the first forays into the realm of full-3D platforming.

And it's now available for your iPhone and iPad. 

To see how Core Design's classic action-adventure game holds up some 17 years after its release, I went hands-on with Square Enix's new iOS port. Here are the results:

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You can download Tomb Raider I for 69p / 99c right now via the link below.

[App Store link]