Cut the Rope 2 Hands-On

By , on December 18, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

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Candy-catching sequel Cut the Rope 2 has just appeared on the New Zealand App Store. It'll be heading to the UK and US at midnight tonight, and will cost 69p / 99c.

This time around, developer Zeptolab has freed loveable green monster Om Nom from his boxy prison. Turns out he's been abducted by spiders, and must munch his way through a variety of outdoor environments in order to get home.

Beyond the visual changes, Cut the Rope 2 features a couple of new gamplay mechanics, and some extra characters. To help Om Nom on his quest, you'll need to take control of 5 Nommines, each of whom have a special ability. 

For example, in the hands-on video above, you'll see me interact with a Nommie called Roto who has the ability to pick up Om Nom and fly him around the environment.

We'll have a review up as soon as we can. In the meantime, hit play on the video above and let me walk you through the first few levels.