Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project | Hands-On

By , on January 2, 2014
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

It seems that no matter how misogynistic or crass they may appear to modern eyes and ears, you just can't keep an old pop culture icon down. 

Following the unqualified disaster that was Duke Nukem Forever, we haven't heard much from the blonde haired, quip-spouting lady repellent. The most recent Duke-related activity took place on Xbox Live, where he appeared in a 2.5D retooling of 2002's PC-based side-scroller Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.

As it happens, we have just learned that Spawn Studios has ported this interactive exercise in nostalgia to iOS. It's due to hit the App Store next week, and will cost £1.49 / $1.99.

I went hands-on with Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project earlier today. Check out the results in the video below.

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