CLARC | Hands-On

By , on March 27, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

One game stood out when I blasted through the week's new releases on Twitch yesterday. It wasn't the WipEout-inspired Flashout 2, nor Clash of Clans successor Boom Beach.

No, the game that captured my attention was an unassuming but charismatic offering called CLARC.

It's an isometric puzzler in which you navigate an adorable maintenance robot through a series of corridors. Along the way you'll manipulate blocks with an anti-gravity beam, make friends with a missile, and try to power-up a robot disco. 

The visuals are lovely, the controls are tight, and there's a robot disco. 

Still not sold? Check out our hands-on video below to see CLARC in action.

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