Eye on the App Store: JoyJoy, Hyper Square, Darkin, Biosis, and more

By , on May 14, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 9 months ago

As part of our regular scheduled programming over on Twitch, we'll be hosting Eye on the App Store very shortly indeed.

It's a great chance to see all the games that'll be hitting the Apple's App Store at midnight tonight hours in advance, saving you time, money, and wasted space on your iOS device.

Our line-up today includes twin-stick shooter JoyJoy, as well as three very different kinds of puzzle games: Hyper Square, Darkin, and Biosis. There'll be one or two more treats in store, so come along to see the show for the full rundown.

We now go live at the same time every day, plus all of our shows are recorded and kept safely in storage for you. Be sure to check them out!

Catch today's show on our Twitch channel at 5pm UK / 9am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern time, or stick about here to watch the stream below as soon as it begins: