Hands-on with The Rhythm of Fighters, SNK Playmore's rhythm-action brawler

By , on June 25, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 8 months ago

Whether its Han Solo busting moves in Star Wars Kinect, or Cloud Strife busting moves in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, it seems there's no franchise which can't be turned into a rhythm action game.

The latest series to fall victim to the beat is The King of Fighters, the 2D brawler from SNK Playmore, which has been reinvented as a music-based tap-'em-up called The Rhythm of Fighters.

While the visuals remain faithful to the series, the violence is controlled by tapping in time with dots which appear on the screen. Before long, you'll have to use expertly judged swipes and flicks to build combos and unleash special moves.

The character list is a who's who of SNK characters, including fan favourites from Fatal Fury, Samurai Showdown, and even Metal Slug. Naturally, you'll be punching and kicking in time to songs pulled from the same games. There are 14 tracks available at present, with more set to follow.

I went hands-on today to put my funky fighting skills to the test. Here are the results:

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