Hands-on with Game of Thrones: Ascent, the mobile strategy baa-ba baba-baa-ba baba...

By , on July 21, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 7 months ago

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Games of Thrones: Ascent has been around for a while now. Originally released as a Kongregate and Facebook game, before being ported over to the iPad, it has been unavailable on iPhone since its inception.

Until now.

Last week, the mobile phone-owning crowd were finally invited to the Game of Thrones: Ascent party. Which, as those who've read the books or follow the TV show will know, will probably play host to several murders and at least one use of the word 'bastard'.

The game itself plays out as a strategy adventure in which you must rise from the rank of nobleman in an effort to claim the Iron Throne. You complete quests, improve your lands and title, and occasionally remind people that winter is coming.

I played the first ten minutes of Game of Thrones: Ascent to give you an idea of what to expect. If you like what you see, you can download the game free for iPhone and iPad.

 [App Store link]