10 mind-blowingly awesome fan-made Bad Piggies contraptions

By , on August 29, 2014
Last modified 9 years, 11 months ago

Over the past few days, I've been on the hunt for the most spectacular, over-the-top, completely ridiculous video replays of Bad Piggies that I could find on Everyplay.

What I've found has not disappointed. So in no particular order, here are my top 10. Which is your favourite?

I love the ambition here, and you really start to root for the contraption to succeed. Unfortunately though, that's not the case...

This combo allows you to flip the machine you've built and stick to the roof of caves. Ingenious!

I literally can't begin to describe how awesome this video is. Just... honestly just hit play. This might be my personal favourite.

These classic aircraft look cool, but they also fly beautifully. If only the landing had stuck, it would have been perfect.

Some bright spark has built a helicopter in the game that also has heat seeking rockets. With this sort, those Angry Birds wouldn't stand a chance.

Another construction that makes me wonder why the Piggies put up with the antics of Red, Stella, and the rest of the gang.

Is this Flappy Bird clone the first game built within Bad Piggies?

Turns out that if you take a bunch of Piggies, put them all in a single vehicle, and drive that vehicle very quickly at a wall, Bad Piggies freaks out big style.

Someone has built the Nyan Cat in Bad Piggies. Obviously.

Everyone thinks that the eggs are helpless. Not in this they're not.

Think you've got a better one? Pop a link to it in the comments.