Hands-on with Hitman: Sniper, Square Enix's long-range assassination sim

By , on October 3, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 3 months ago

We got our first glimpse of Hitman: Sniper at this year's E3, where Peter was able to sit down with a nice man from Square Enix and watch him run through a level or two.

As of a few hours ago, the game is now live in the Canadian App Store, meaning anyone from The Great North with an iPad and an itchy trigger finger can download the game and start picking off Russian gangsters with cold detatchment.

This is a soft-launch build of the game, so elements of the experience may be tweaked before it goes global.

Those of you outside of Canada should check out my hands-on video above to see what Hitman: Sniper has to offer.