These 11 kids almost poop their pants playing Eyes - The Horror Game

By , on October 31, 2014
Last modified 9 years, 11 months ago

What with Halloween upon us, it's time to dim the lights and play some spooky games.

There aren't much more terrifying games than Eyes - The Horror Game, as these video replays from the world of Everyplay will attest.

So crank up your sense of schadenfreude, and get ready to laugh at how these kids get along with Eyes - The Horror Game, before they spectacularly fail and then react in the following highly embarrassing ways...

1. Almost swearing, but catching himself (shhh, mum's next door)

2. "Ha-hoooooooooooo"

3. A sharp inhale of breath

4. Screaming like a baby

5. Sounding like Gambit from The X-Men

6. Actually throwing the iPhone away

7. Shifting the pitch of their voice by several octaves

8. By showing us their disinterested cat

9. "16 bags... that's good"

10. Hiding her face

11. Embarassing himself in front of friends and family

Bonus. This, of course, is how it's done right

Got a better replay? Chuck in the comments.