The top 5 best seeds for Minecraft - Pocket Edition's latest update

By , on December 11, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 1 month ago

Minecraft - Pocket Edition was crowned the top selling iPhone and iPad game in this year's iTunes Best of 2014 chart,

So, it stands to reason that most of you iOS users will have played the blocky sensation at some point. It is regularly top of the best-selling game section on Google Play as well, so Androiders should also be well-versed in its ways by now.

Anyway, onto these seeds. For those who don't know, they're essentially codes that you input into the level generator to enter a pre-built world. All of the old seeds are now unplayable thanks to the latest update, so we've gone ahead and picked five of the best ones we've found so far.

1super pig

You arrive in front of a village built in and around a huge mountain range near a swamp and desert. If you can reach the house on the top of the mountain, we'll be impressed.

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2. 1388582293

This seed is basically Minecraft's equivalent of a town - meaning lots of funky little buildings to explore or destroy at your leisure.

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3. infinity

If you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise - floating islands. Oh, and dig deep enough in the square of stones and you'll find a rich collection of precious metals.

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4. its a me

Yes, that's exactly right - this one's based on a Super Mario level and it's filled with nasty ice spikes. 

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5. 805967637

This one's pretty cool. You arrive in a village (which is standard for a seed, granted). But jump in the well and start digging at rocks at the bottom and you'll find yourself in a fortress filled with chests. There's also a random portal that you can't use which may confuse and frustrate. You've been warned.

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