Top 4 iOS games coming to Android this week

By , on December 16, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 2 months ago

The Gods are favouring us this week, Android fans, as a lot of hit iOS titles are making the difficult trek over to Android in time for Christmas. Still no news of an Oceanhorn port, though - for shame!

We've got a bit handsy with a few of these titles in the past, so you'll most likely be hearing the well-toned voices and reasoned critical opinions of the AppSpy team instead of some trailer acting all official-like.

 1. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone has bossed the App Store in terms of card-based battling, though it has got a serious competitor in Magic: The Gathering. Shame we've had to wait so long - around eight months in fact - but better late than never.

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2. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

Baldur's Gate II has long been considered by a select group of RPG fanatics as 'the' RPG, so it stands to reason that an enhanced edition would be the defnitive version of the definitive RPG, right?

Well, shamefully, that may not be the case, thanks to touch controls not being the optimal (or even a comfortable) way to play.

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3. 80 Days

This one's on my Christmas list, and it's easy to see why. It's a choose-your-own-adventure in a similar vein to the talky bits in The Banner Saga. The story is based on the Jules Vernes novel, Around the World in Eighty Days.

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4. Exiles

Exiles by Crescent Moon Games looks a lot like Fallout, which isn't surprising when you consider that the studio's Ravensword series drew a lot of comparisons to The Elder Scrolls. Considering that neither of those franchises are expected on mobile devices any time soon, we'll let them off.

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Honourable mention: bit Dungeon II

No trailer for this one and we know how much you love videos, AppSpies, but we just couldn't bring ourselves to leave it off the list.

It's a sequel to the original bit Dungeon which was basically a Binding of Isaac-lite for mobiles. The sequel looks set to improve on all aspects, with an open world, new variety of weapons, levelling up, and original Bit Chip music all thrown in for good measure.