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Boson X Review

Review Shape Shop By Dave Flodine, 11 years ago
Boson X Review

You might have heard that the scientists of CERN are busy smashing atoms together at unbelievable speeds in order to witness what happens upon collision. But the scientist in Boson X takes the dedication to his craft one step further by placing himself directly into the machine. While the game is an endless runner in the style of Temple Run, the developer seems to have drawn some inspiration from Super Hexagon. The influence to Terry Cavanagh's geometric puzzler is evident in everyt…

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Pivvot Review

Review Fixpoint Productions Ltd. By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Pivvot Review

Pivvot is described by its creators as a game of “strategic avoidance”. Though guiding your small orb around obstacles relies on your ability to dodge effectively, the game is more about quick reflexes and adaptability than strategy. There are two game modes available from the outset: Voyage, and Endless. Voyage is a finite experience in which must weave your way through a series of obstacles. Tapping the sides of the screen rotates your orb clockwise and counter-clockwise…

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Knightmare Tower Review

Review Juicy Beast Studio LTD. By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Knightmare Tower Review

All too often in iOS games, progression feels like a chore. Knightmare Tower reminds us that you can have a quick-play experience with an upgrade tree that's not only enjoyable, but lets you advance by diving sword-first onto the heads of spiky blobs and dragons. You contriol a rocket propelled knight who must ascend a tower to rescue a series of captured princesses because videogames. Unfortunately, the tower to which these lovely ladies have been taken is as tall as it is perilous.…

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Prince of Persia® The Shadow and the Flame Review

Review Ubisoft By James Gilmour, 11 years, 2 months ago
Prince of Persia® The Shadow and the Flame Review

Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame certainly looks the part. The ancient dungeons and booby-trapped palaces from the 1993 original have been handsomely fleshed out with an extra dimension for this iOS remake. Our gymnastic hero has apparently been hanging out with the Forgotten Sands-era prince, and has learned a few of the youngster’s acrobatic moves, including a natty backflip. He also engages in swordplay, which echoes the wait-and-parry system found in the Ubisoft&rsq…

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League of Evil 3 Review

Review Ravenous Games Inc. By James Gilmour, 11 years, 3 months ago
League of Evil 3 Review

League of Evil 3 is hard. You remember the first two games in the series? Remember restarting levels 20, 30, even 40 times, all the while cursing your disobedient thumbs for every mistimed jump overlooked bullet? Yeah. This one's harder. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on your appetite for punishment. You see, League of Evil 3 manages to embody everything that made the franchise the platforming powerhouse it is today. The controls are still some of the tightest yo…

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Review WONDERFUL LASERS By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 4 months ago

Impossible Road is sleek and seductive. A simple arcade game where you have to try your hardest to stay on a twisting and winding track that is doing its best to throw you off. Success is a fallacy, as sooner or later you will plummet to your demise, only to press the 'again' button and repeat this process for as long as possible. Add to this a minimalist yet striking visual aesthetic plus a driving rhythmic soundtrack and you would think you're in for something special. Well, you woul…

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Ms. Splosion Man Review

Review Microsoft Corporation By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 6 months ago
Ms. Splosion Man Review

More and more these days we're seeing console and PC titles making their way to the App Store. However the most successful of these shape their title to fit the mold of the iOS platform, be it through unique controls to suit the touch-screen or a complete rework of its gameplay. Ms. Splosion Man takes the easier route of keeping things mostly unchanged, and while it does hurt the game in some ways, the manic platformer from Twisted Pixel Games remains a treat to play. If you took a bu…

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Review Level-5 Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 6 months ago

Before releasing Liberation Maiden on to the App Store, Level-5 and Grasshopper had the option of putting the game back on the drawing board to enhance and otherwise improve on what was a decent - if short and unsatisfying - shooter. Instead what we're treated to is a version that makes good use of the touch-screen, and has at least added left-handed controls, but still leaves the player wanting for more. You play the role of the now-deceased President's teenage daughter who has been…

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AVP: Evolution Review

AVP: Evolution Review

With the Alien franchise in a bit of a slump thanks to the dramatic failure of the recently released 'Colonial Marines' it was a warm comfort to know that the new Alien vs. Predator title 'Evolution' was in the safe hands of Angry Mob Games, the boffins behind the brutally fun Predators for the App Store. However, instead of a violent love letter to the sci-fi universe's deadliest hunters, players are handed a basic revenge plot where they'll have to fight to survive and defeat the Su…

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Solar 2 iPad Review

Review Jay Watts By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 7 months ago
Solar 2 iPad Review

Situations like this aren't as common as you'd think on the App Store. While there is a somewhat sinister undercurrent of releases that step over the line of 'inspired by' and in to 'theft', being able to play the 'real thing' doesn't always happen; at least not as quickly as this. Solar 2 by Jay Watts (also known as Murudai) is everything I had hoped to see from the recently released 'Tiny Solar'. No prizes for guessing that Solar 2 was the title having its content stolen. Ultimately…

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Review SNK CORPORATION By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 7 months ago

If you've followed our reviews for any length of time you'll know that our experience with the METAL SLUG series on the iOS platform has been... well not so great. Nostalgia manages to keep the game afloat, but emulation can only do so much to recreate the responsive controls and smooth visuals of the Arcade classic. METAL SLUG 2 doesn't do much to address the problems of previous releases, but it does have one thing in its favor... it was a much simpler game. As such players can take…

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Dream of Pixels Review

Review Dawn of Play By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 8 months ago
Dream of Pixels Review

Dream of Pixels is a deceptive title. When one expects a damning expose on the single-mindedness of retro games and those who cling feverishly to nostalgia explored in game form, one does not expect a spin on a gaming classic. We're joking of course. What we have here can be best described as 'reverse Tetris', but that really doesn't do it justice. It's as good a starting off point as any though, so let us commence! There are multiple game modes that are unlocked through different mea…

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Review SNK CORPORATION By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 9 months ago

There's one thing that has held back previous releases of the METAL SLUG franchise on the iOS platform, and that one thing is simply its 'controls'. The games are, without question, just as amazing as they were in the arcades and the perfect fodder for gamers after a hardcore side-scrolling shooter, but games like this live and die by their controls and sadly SNK PLAYMORE has missed an opportunity to come up with a novel solution. If you've never played METAL SLUG, I thoroughly recomm…

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Boulder Dash®-XL™ Review

Review HC GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION LIMITED By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 10 months ago
Boulder Dash®-XL™ Review

The original Bourder Dash is one of those games that most people who played games in the 80s and early 90s should be very familiar with. Not just that it was ported to every system imaginable, but because there were a million knock-offs as well. In the end, it was the same simple game. Walk around in the dirt, gather gems and avoid getting crushed by the boulders once you moved under them, thus triggering a rockslide. The levels were often part reflex action game, and part puzzle, as y…

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Jet Set Radio Review

Review SEGA By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 10 months ago
Jet Set Radio Review

Some games stick in your mind, not because they were particularly fun to play, but because it managed to grab you through its artistic expression. Strangely this isn't an uncommon thing, especially amongst games in the Indie scene, but Jet Set Radio is far from a small title and despite its age there's still something almost unquantifiable about its appeal. However, porting over a title comes with risks and challenges, especially when talking about the iOS platform and while much of t…

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