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Cyto Review

Review EA Chillingo By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 12 months ago
Cyto Review

Editor's Note: While playing Cyto for the video record I noticed the iPhone 5 build did indeed have an aiming arc - it's quite possible older generation iOS devices may not be displaying the arc as either a bug or due to performance issues. Ah, the amnesiac; a video game trope that has lasted the ages and no doubt will be with us until the end of the art form. Cyto is a weird little rubber ball or cell looking creature that wakes up in a strange world not knowing who he is. Not only d…

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Sporos Review

Review Appxplore (iCandy) By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 12 months ago
Sporos Review

Infection as a puzzle mechanic; that's what I think of when I play Sporos. This isn't a new concept mind you. Last year's Tentacle Wars comes to mind, but there's something about covering cells using the microscopic entity known as the sporos that I find equally parts engaging and creepy. To extend that factor, this game both contains a laboratory for essential infection and experimental. Now that game never actually states what the sporos is or what you're doing, so I'll stick with my…

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Bipolar Review

Review Mike Colussi By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 12 months ago
Bipolar Review

Now now, before anyone gets into an uproar, this is not a puzzle game based around the medical disorder. It's more like... well, do you know those chess puzzles in the newspaper that have a pre-set amount of pieces and you have to figure out how to checkmate in a certain number of moves? This is like that with the board game Othello... only not really. Each horizontal row needs to be the same color, and to make that happen, you draw a line across tiles with your finger so that when you…

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Wide Sky (UPDATED: Ver. 1.3) Review

Wide Sky (UPDATED: Ver. 1.3) Review

Review Update (21 Feb, 2013): Let it not be said that Marcus Eckert isn't listening to his audience. A recent update has overhauled Wide Sky with a seemingly minor, but drastically helpful quality-of-life update to the interface that proves to be the difference between sheer frustration and casual, mindless fun. An indicator on your hedgehog lets you keep track of where the rope will appear, and once latched on to a cloud you'll also receive a handy arrow pointing you in the direction…

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Tumblewords Review

Tumblewords Review

We don't review too many word games here at AppSpy, at least not lately. This hasn't been for lack of releases either. It's just that after you've played one or two word creation games and then notice that the majority of releases are doing pretty much the same thing, it's hard not to be pessimistic and ignore a lot of what comes out (we should probably be doing that to the endless runner genre, but that's a topic for another time). Now Tumblewords does not reinvent the wheel. You have…

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Tapforss Review

Tapforss Review

There was a time when developers considered themselves almost in opposition of the player. It's a dynamic that creates an immediate level of conflict, but the hostility of a developer trying to 'screw you over' wore thin for some and for many others was entirely unwelcome. Tapforss is almost a return to this concept, albeit wrapped up in a cleanly presented time-trial title that manages to remain foreboding despite is colorful palette. As the name would suggest, Tapforss by Like A Cro…

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Puzzle Restorer Review

Puzzle Restorer Review

I've never been shy about telling people about one of my favorite iOS series', PathPix. It's something I enjoy on a purely personal level as it not only feels rewarding thanks to the images you create, but there's a zen-like flow to the puzzling. Puzzle Restorer by Gavina Games falls in the same category of pixel-filling, area-painting puzzlers, but with a fresh twist... you already know what you need to make. Players are handed a grid that they can swipe and create paths on - by star…

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Rise of the Blobs Review

Review Robot Invader By Dave Flodine, 12 years ago
Rise of the Blobs Review

Observe the valiant marshmallow, standing atop his pillar of righteousness, casting down fruit at any lowly blob that dares rise above its station. OK, so that's not what's happening here in Rise of the Blobs, well aside from the marshmallow and the pillar... and the blobs of course. Think of this as a rotating reverse Tetris in which you need to be vigilant, surveying around the spire, while throwing the right colored fruit on the right colored blob so you can tap it, make it go squis…

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Dungelot Review

Dungelot Review

The rogue-like is a very niche and hardcore game genre. Simply, they are dungeon crawling RPGs that follow the design of the game Rogue, released in 1980. They often share a map overview perspective, rely on random levels, usually have a form of permanent death, and are notoriously difficult and unforgiving. Dungelot is an attempt to introduce a more casual player to the genre through a simple tap interface and streamlining the exploration and leveling mechanics. Is this attempt at acc…

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Puzzle Retreat Review

Puzzle Retreat Review

If you consider pure puzzle titles to be a boring chore, you can probably stop right here; that's not the most flattering of openings, but I know there's more than a few of you who balk at the idea of a game not having at least some sort of action element to it. For those of you who remain, Puzzle Retreat is a brilliant zen-like puzzler that takes the 'sliding block' concept quite literally. Your goal on each level is simply to fill the empty spaces with ice and other objects later on…

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Wide Sky Review

Wide Sky Review

There are times when you want to love something so badly that you'll spend hours on end hoping to find the one thing you can grip on to so you can share it with everyone else, but in the case of Wide Sky by Marcus Eckert, I've come up empty. Despite featuring some of the most amazing graphical, and dare I say it, even audio design the platform has to offer, this tongue-in-cheek title feels as though the gameplay itself wasn't tested thoroughly enough, and what should be a casual joy be…

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Infestor Review

Review Ravenous Games Inc. By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Infestor Review

Ravenous Games are the makers of the League of Evil games. Infestor has a very similar button layout and almost the same visual style. It wouldn't be a leap of logic to assume that this is another crazy gauntlet of platforming finesse served up in iOS ready bite-sized levels. This game takes a different path however, sacrificing twitch platforming skill for a more slow-paced thoughtful approach. Well when I say thoughtful, I mean it in loose terms. Let's just say that this puzzle platf…

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Dream of Pixels Review

Review Dawn of Play By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Dream of Pixels Review

Dream of Pixels is a deceptive title. When one expects a damning expose on the single-mindedness of retro games and those who cling feverishly to nostalgia explored in game form, one does not expect a spin on a gaming classic. We're joking of course. What we have here can be best described as 'reverse Tetris', but that really doesn't do it justice. It's as good a starting off point as any though, so let us commence! There are multiple game modes that are unlocked through different mea…

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Wake the Cat Review

Review EA Chillingo By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Wake the Cat Review

See the cat. See the cat dream of yarn. Let's make the cat's dreams come true! See the yarn? Roll the yarn. Roll the yarn towards the cat. Don't let those hyper-dimensional portal slippers or gravitational fields get in the way. Let's make the cat's dreams come true! If our intro hasn't given it away, Wake the Cat is both a simple concept and a perplexing one. Each level consists of a small overhead view of a portion of the house, and of course the object is to roll the yarn towards t…

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Swing King Review

Review EA Chillingo By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Swing King Review

Being a monarch must be taxing. Oh I’m not talking about the day to day turmoil of settling disputes and playing politics, but more when you're trying to smooch your girl-frog and some evil black furball comes along and kills the mood by sucking all the stars away. That transgression cannot stand! So in Swing King, you set off trying to collect all the stars back by flinging yourself from anchor point to anchor point, trying to reach the saddle of your flying unicorn before final…

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