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Mega Dead Pixel Review
So there's this happy little pixel falling through space. If it paints enough shapes or collects enough pixels, it will one day become the mega pixel, a wondrous being of liberation and. It's a fun existance while it last, but the ending of our story is always the same: the pixel crumbles back to its original form, and eventually is snuffed out of existence. A moment of silence, please. Mega Dead Pixel is an endless runner - or an endless faller, if you prefer. You move a descending p…
Watch The Video ReviewPapa Sangre II Review
Papa Sangre II is a game you play in the dark, on your own, and preferably with eyes closed. Rather than showing you horrific images of monsters and bloodied bodies, this unusual survival horror game pulls you into its surreal world filled of forgotten memories and brain-sucking insects using the power of sound alone. Guided by a the disembodied voice of Sean Bean, you must explore the afterlife in the hope of finding a way back to the land of the living. You're dead, by the way. Sorr…
Watch The Video ReviewCrowman & Wolfboy Review
Crowman & Wolfboy, the latest silhouette-styled auto-runner to appear on the App Store, is all about teamwork. Rather than guiding a single character through the game's bleak, apocalyptic landscape, you take control of two simultaneously. The eponymous pair of beastmen jog through each perilous platform-filled level in tandem, with both creatures bringing their own special skill to the table. The crow can help the jump higher by grabbing the wolfman's shoulders and using his wing t…
Watch The Video ReviewOptical Inquisitor 17+ Review
If you're a fan of picking off crudely-drawn targets a long distances, then you may have played stickman sniper game Clear Vision. We're guessing the creator of Optical Inquisitor has, as the it borrows the look, concept, and violent death scenarios from the 2012 shooter. In fairness, it's not a lack of originality which makes Optical Inquisitor a dodgy game. After all, Clear Vision itself was paying tribute to a long line of ultraviolent flash games. No, what makes Optical Inqui…
Watch The Video ReviewMimpi Review
Mimpi is a game for anyone who has ever wondered what's going on inside their dog's mind when its asleep. The answer, according to this arty puzzle platformer, is that man's best friend is exploring bizarre abstract environments, manipulating clouds, and chatting with Chihuahua headed mermaids. You control Mimpi using the arrows on screen. The movement and jump animations are a little stiff, but luckily, precision platforming is not what the majority of the game is about. Instead, th…
Watch The Video ReviewFright Heights Review
Games which revolve around hotel management usually involve trying to fill up your holiday inn by attracting as many guests as possible. Chillingo's spooky scare-'em-up Fright Heights, on the other hand, is all about scaring guests away. It's essentially a block puzzler in which you arrange guests and ghosts throughout the hotel to clear out floors and empty the building. Each floor has a fear rating which must be hit in order wipe it from the screen. To cajole your guests into paroxi…
Watch The Video ReviewInfinity Danger Review
When you first pick up Infinity Danger, you might find yourself wondering where the rest of the game went. Imagine a bullet-hell shooter in which all the levels have been stripped away. So, instead of fighting waves of enemies to get to an end boss, you engage in one timed boss battle after another. Now imagine you're fighting same boss every time, chipping away at layer upon layer of modular evolution to reveal the heart of the ship, and blast it smithereens once more. After your fi…
Watch The Video ReviewEcho Prime Review
Having touched a nerve last year with its turn-based strategy hit Hero Academy, Robot Entertainment has returned to the iOS battleground with a new game in tow. Obviously keen to try their hand at a combat system with more immediacy than Hero Academy's asynchronous duels, the team has knocked up a a sci-fi-flavoured action-RPG. Here, the combat is real time, and your enemies' feet aren't rooted to tiles on the floor. You take control of a space-marine type who has been charged with ba…
Watch The Video ReviewDice Jockey Review
Whether you play Monopoly, the craps table at your local casino, or a game of Warhammer, we're sure you're all familiar with dice - those little cubes of luck and chance. Dice Jockey takes a little bit of a different tack, demanding you learn the layout of a six-sided die, and use this knowledge to align and match face values to create combos and complete levels. Dragging a die with your finger will roll it along the game grid. The aim is to line up a series of dice so that they all d…
Watch The Video ReviewPaint it Back Review
Anyone whose spent any time on a Nintendo system should be familiar with Picross, the puzzle game which involves creating pixelated pictures by filling in squares on a grid. To help you solve these puzzles, numbers are attached to the end of every row and column. These numbers tell you how many squares must be filled, and how many should be left blank. The trick is to work out which squares you need to paint to complete the picture without putting a foot wrong along the way. It's a si…
Watch The Video ReviewARC Squadron: Redux Review
Last year, developer Psyonix released Arc Squadron, a well-reviewed space shooter with great controls and a load of content. Now almost a year later, the dev has restructured the game, introduced a few balancing tweaks, and made the whole experience free-to-play. This is Arc Squadron: Redux. As your ship (and the galaxy) is under attack by the mysterious and violent Guardians, humanity needs all the help it can get. You take control of a lowly janitor who finds himself in the cockpit…
Watch The Video ReviewDEAD TRIGGER 2 Review
In a world filled with derivative grey zombie shooters, how do you make yours stand out from the shambling crowd. In the case of Madfinger's 2012 hit Dead Trigger, the answer was simple: make it look fantastic. However, though it was definitely one of the prettiest games on the App Store, it was let down by repetitive gameplay, dull enemies, and freemium grind fatigue. With Dead Trigger 2, Madfinger has attempted to inject some variety into the series, adding new zombie types, more va…
Watch The Video ReviewLEVEL 22 Review
You have to feel for poor old Gary. After a night out on the town, he discovers that not only has he overslept, but that if he's caught arriving late, today might be the end of his career. The goal of Level 22, then, is simple: travel to the twenty-second level of the company building without being spotted by anyone. It's a task that would test the skills of Solid Snake himself. We'll have to make do with Gary, though. Given the stealth genre is usually obsessed with spies and ninjas,…
Watch The Video ReviewRing Run Circus Review
Ahh, to be a performer at the circus. Dazzling the crowds with death defying acrobatics; dealing with dangerous animals; getting into a very small car with a lot of men. These days circuses don't have the pull they once had, though. However, puzzler-racer Ring Run Circus is making an effort to recreate their magic in the form of short levels with three-star rewards. Cast as a circus performer, your goal is to find the key to unlock a door and escape a set of rings. Tapping the left si…
Watch The Video ReviewNeurokult Review
Playing Neurokult is a stressful experience. Not stressful in a bad, 'the kids need new shoes and I spent my last paycheck fixing that leaky pipe in the water closet' way. The good kind of the stressful, where you're trying to keep 20 neon plates spinning as you dash barefooted between them on a moving electrified conveyor belt. Behind its computer chip aesthetic and hacker terminology, Neurokult is colour-matching puzzler. Each level presents you with a wall of coloured discs travell…
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