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Dungeon Crawlers Review
If you want to be taken seriously in the high risk, high reward profession of dungeon crawling, you're gonna have to have a unique skill to offer towards a group. That way when the turn based fighting breaks out, you're not only useful to the group, but indispensable as the battle continues along. You start off Dungeon Crawlers with three such out of work dungeon crawlers; a warrior, a mage, and a cleric. An innkeeper tasks you with clearing out his basement and from their its onward t…
Watch The Video ReviewHello Copter Review
Game association can be an interesting thing. Playing Hello Copter invokes images of the old PC game Lander (or Lunar Lander as it was sometimes known). Those who have played Lander and are watching this video review are probably wondering what we're on about. It all comes down to the controls. This is your standard control scheme of touch to go higher and release to drop down. So many games use this that it's become rather commonplace. Where Hello Copter differs is adding a large amo…
Watch The Video ReviewTriple Town Review
Additional Note From Dave - At the moment we currently don't have a system that provides reviewer based recommendations or thumbs up. Despite this, Triple Town has been considered a personal thumbs up from Dave Flodine, so take that as you will ;) Creating a truly addictive game is quite the balancing act. For starters, it has to be easy to pick up and play. After that, every move a player makes has to pour out possibilities, plus the need to make the next move, and the move after tha…
Watch The Video ReviewOff the Leash Review
I've never really held to the belief that you're either a dog or a cat person - for one I love the heck out of both dogs and cats and just about anything else that's super cute. So it's always good news when Big Pixel Studios, the developers behind games such as Meow Meow Happy Fight and Land-a Panda, drop something new on the App Store. Off The Leash places you in control of a dog who is attempting to break out of a city that has just banned canines and you only have a limited amount…
Watch The Video ReviewRunning Fred Review
Being on the front lines of App releases can make it hard to know what is currently sweeping up the market and as such I was surprised to find out that Temple Run had recently exploded. This is good news for Dedalord, the developer of the 'Fred' series as they explore the endless running option, albeit with far more tricks, traps and areas to master. The eternally unlucky Fred has found himself cursed to die at the hands of the Grim Reaper and to top things off, in his rush to escape,…
Watch The Video ReviewSploosh Review
Sometimes it's nice to leave the adrenaline pumping, high speed, obstacle avoiding, death defying games for a while and play something with a slower pace. What's more relaxing than the ambient sounds of running water? And what if you had control over that water, tilting your iPhone around to pour it into the seeds of flowers and roots of trees to rehydrate the land? Well that's where Sploosh comes in. It seems sometimes cacti get a little too greedy and suck up all the water, sending f…
Watch The Video ReviewBoy Loves Girl Review
Often when a title seems like it could be classified an 'art game', a lot of the lack of polish and questionable gameplay mechanics are excused because of the overall experience it presents. These games usually divide as some players instantly click with what the game is revealing to them while others cannot get passed the poor execution. This makes the genre highly subjective and it almost always comes down to a 'love it or hate it' mentality, which is a real pickle for a reviewer. B…
Watch The Video ReviewReckless Racing 2 Review
Strangely it doesn’t feel as though much time has passed since Pixelbite first introduced iOS gamers to their Reckless Racing franchise, though this may be in-part thanks to a mid-year release of Reckless Getaway reminding players of what the developer can pull off. Reckless Racing 2 doesn’t disappoint as it blasts on to the App Store, showing just how top-down racing should look, feel and play on hand-held touchscreen devices. From the outset the game feels rough and toug…
Watch The Video ReviewGHOST TRICK: Phantom Detective Review
CAPCOM’s tenure on the iOS platform has been very hit or miss, with some games failing to live up to the grandeur of the original, while others almost outshine them. GHOST TRICK: Phantom Detective was arguably the unsung hero of 2011 for the Nintendo DS and thanks to a top-notch adaption, the iOS release also has an opportunity to shine. Sharing the same creative mind that developed the Ace Attorney series, Phantom Detective is no less madcap and outlandish. You play as Sissel,…
Watch The Video ReviewHank Hazard Review
It's hard to complain about 'yet another cute physics puzzler' when you're talking about a release from Chillingo, the publisher who is almost entirely responsible for the popularity of the concept. As such it's almost no surprise to note that Hank Hazard by Red Rocket Games fits this bill almost exclusively, however behind its cute exterior and 3-star item collection beats a fantastic little title that shares more with classics like Finger Physics than it does with Cut The Rope or Ang…
Watch The Video ReviewTweet Land Review
When someone tells me about a game that features 'randomly generated' gameplay elements, I can't help but cringe as it's either not as 'random' as the person suggests, or said randomness gets in the way of an otherwise decent title. Sadly Tweet Land by Why Ideas and Tree Interactive falls in to the second category and while the idea of having 'The Internet' influence your game may sound great, it invariably results in an inconsistent experience. Your task involves nothing more than ta…
Watch The Video ReviewSam & Max Beyond Time and Space Ep 1 Review
There's an assumption at play here with Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space Ep 1 (otherwise known as Ice Station Santa): you need to have not already played it on any of the other platforms it has already been released on, which is no easy thing considering its initial PC release was in late 2007. However, hardcore Sam & Max fans; adventure game enthusiasts; and those not yet introduced to the whacky duo may still find themselves compelled to give this short and sweet title a run f…
Watch The Video ReviewCrazy Hedgy Review
A game based on rolling movement in which you play a hedgehog collecting shiny objects. Hmm. At least the hedgehog's not blue right? It's been a while since we here at AppSpy have played a rolling game controlled by tilting your iPhone. There's a tad more to it than just rolling however. The goal of each level is to reach the end, with bonuses if you satisfy a gem quota. The gems themselves, which are strewn around the level, are hidden in boxes and are held by enemies. They are the g…
Watch The Video ReviewVanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix Review
Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix and her nightmare. Man that's a mouthful isn't it? Still, a title like that certainly breeds curiosity. While the game itself may not be what one expects from the title, the tone certainly is. In a very well told intro we learn that Vanessa is a brainy puzzle loving young girl who feels ostracized from her peers at the schoolyard. One day a strange puzzle box that she acquired from her father's antiquities shop breaks and sucks the entire town inside it.…
Watch The Video ReviewCall of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land Review
Those who regularly play or have experienced Tabletop RPGs that go beyond basic dice-rolling, numbers and statistics will know just how quickly you can become absorbed in the world you're exploring. Some players may find themselves exploring the terrible and fascinating worlds inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and may even use scenarios devised by the boffins at Chaosium for the 'Call of Cthulhu' series. Now regular iOS gamers can do the same with The Wasted Land, developed by Red Wasp Design…
Watch The Video Review