The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - August 16th

By , on August 16, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 6 months ago

Hello there. It's Wednesday. So that's probably good. Especially if you like the days of the week. I don't like them. They are mean to me. I have to do things on them. What a life. What a silly, silly life.

Anyway, Wednesday is when we round up the best games that are on sale on the App Store at the moment. It's a time-honoured tradition, and I'm not going to stop now just because people are screaming at me to get out of the building because it's on fire.

As usual you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to download them from the App Store. And if you spot any exquisite deals that I might have missed, feel free to chuck them in the comments at the bottom of the article.

Tsuro - Free

A slick and polished board game adaptation that's all about leading dragons around. It looks lovely, it plays brilliantly, and did I mention that it's full of dragons? I hope I did, because that's one of the game's selling points. Or not selling. Because it's free right now.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Deus Ex GO - £1.99 / $1.99

The third of Square Enix's excellent go series. This one is set in a dystopian cyberpunk future that's mostly coloured in yellow. If you've played the others you'll know what to expect. This is a brilliantly put together mobile adventure that distills the essence of the Deus Ex series into beautifully playable pocket-sized chunks.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Riptide GP: Renegade - 99p / 99c

A game about racing on water. On jet skis. Possibly in the future. It's big and silly and the tracks are excellently designed. The racing is fast and furious, and the action races past with an elegance that few other franchises can manage. Also there's quite a lot of splishing and splashing. What's not to like?

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - £2.99 / $2.99

I'm sure we've all wanted to run our own theme park. I mean, it's the ultimate dream. Isn't it? Actually the more I think about it, the more I realise that it's nowhere near the ultimate dream. Anyway, this is a well put-together port of a classic sim game. And you get to build roller coasters. Sick.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Crashlands - £2.99 / $2.99

A huge and super fun survival game that's all about trying to stay alive on a planet that wants to kill you. Craft things, run around, light some fires, and generally have a lovely old time while you're doing it. Designed from the ground-up for mobile, this is the sort of game that deserves to be played. A lot.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here