The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - August 23rd

By , on August 23, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 6 months ago

Hi there. It's Wednesday. And while I might be in a different country to the one I'm usually in, that's not going to stop me from creating and publishing all of the brilliant content that you, our dear reader, expects from AppSpy.

If you're new here, or you've just not been paying attention, Wednesday is when we round up all of the best games that are currently on sale on the App Store. We deliver the hot content, and then we pass the savings on to you. Or some such nonsense.

As per ever you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to download them. And if you've spotted any truly shocking mammoth deals that you think should have been included on the list, make sure you chuck them in the comments section below. Go on, you know you want to.

Tales of the Adventure Company - 99p / 99c

A smart, puzzling roguelike that's all about killing monsters, making new friends, and staying alive for as long as possible. It's on the casual side of the scale, but there's enough pop and cruelty here to make it well worth a look. You'll be tapping, a lot, but you're going to be having a lovely old time while you're doing it.

Yuri - Free

A gorgeous looking platformer that plays by its own rules. And its own rules mainly involve doing platformery things. As you might imagine. It's got one of the most arresting visual styles that you're ever going to have set eyes on. And it's about a small boy rolling around on a bed. Come on, tell me that's not the sort of thing you're going to instantly fall in love with.

Tallowmere - 99p / 99c

Another roguelike. There are a lot of roguelikes on this list, but no two are the same. This one is a super-tough platformer with a complex control system. It's pretty difficult to get the hang of, but for just 99p you're getting a good slice of gaming fun. So long as you're happy to really stick your face deep into its workings.

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Crowntakers - £1.99 / $1.99

Roguelike number three. This one has much more of a strategic bent than the others though. Take part in hex-based battles to the death as you work your way through a deep and engaging RPG storyline. It looks amazing, it plays really well, and for that low, low price you'd be pretty ridiculous if you didn't pick it up.

Crypt of the Necrodancer - £1.99 / $1.99

Hands-down one of the most interesting games of the past few years. It's the fourth roguelike on this list, but if you only choose one game out of this selection then I'd suggest making it this one. It's bright, it's rhythm-based, and it's unlike anything you'll ever have played before. Seriously, get this one got.