The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - September 13th

By , on September 13, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 5 months ago

Look, we're all busy. I'm busy. You're busy. Sometimes you just don't have time for long winded introductions to pieces. It's Wednesday, here are the best games on sale for iPad and iPhone. Click the emboldened names to download them. Own suggestions? In the comments please. Done.

Deus Ex: The Fall - 99p / 99c

Probably one of the best FPS games on the App Store. It looks lovely, it gets that Deus Ex feel just about right, and there's a thick and juicy prequel story to sink your teeth into. For 99p you really shouldn't be turning your nose up at this one if you haven't played it yet.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Sproggiwood - 99p / 99c

A wonderful mobile roguelike that's dripping with charm and replayability. It's built around Finnish fairytales, and it's presented in big, bright primary colours. The combat is fast and furious, there's a whole bunch of loot to collect, and you're going to be grinning the whole time you're playing it.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Deus Ex GO - 99p / 99c

What is this, Deus Ex day or something? I have no idea. All of the GO games are for sale right now for 99p / 99c, but this is the newest one so I figure it might be the one you haven't got. An awesome mix of board game and adventure that distills the Deus Ex formula into a super slick classic you'll love to pick up and play.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Jasper's Rocket - Free

A game about a cat flying a rocket. Don't think about how a cat could manage to fly a rocket, that's really not the problem here. The problem is keeping the rocket in the air for as long as possible. It's a smart take on a mobile genre we've seen a lot recently. And now that it's free you don't have any excuse not to play it.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

The Room Three - £2.99 / $2.99

The final part of one of the best trilogies mobile has ever seen. A super slick puzzler that sees you poking and prodding your way through a series of manipulable arenas. It's smart, it looks gorgeous, and I honestly think you've probably already played it. If you haven't, go and get it right now.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here