The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - November 1st

By , on November 1, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 3 months ago

Somehow, for reasons unbeknownst even to me, it's Wednesday again. It's at times like these it's best not to think too deeply into the passage of time. Just accept the inevitable and move forward. After all, that's what time is going to do anyway.

With it being Wednesday, it's time for us here at AppSpy to round up the five best games that are currently on sale on the App Store. And I'll tell you what, there are some gems out there this week that you should definitely be picking up if you haven't already.

As usual you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to download them from the App Store. And if you've seen anything you think should be included in this round up of the finest games currently on sale, well fell free to throw those suggestions into the comments at the bottom of the article.

Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities - £2.99 / $2.99

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It's been a while since this one got a price cut, so if you've been on the fence about grabbing it now is the perfect time. Especially if you're a fan of Silent Hill. This is a spooky, psychological survival horror game with plenty of frights and creepy mannequins. And for less than three quid you really can't go wrong.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Iron Marines - £2.99 / $2.99

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On sale for the first time it came out, Iron Marines is one of the best RTS games the App Store has ever seen. It plays around with the template of the genre, but still delivers plenty of spills and thrills. Oh and it looks great too. Imagine a grown-up tower defence game, but with a lot more going for it than that sounds, and you're about half way there.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Dungeon Rushers - 99p / 99c

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Another tactical battler, although this time with a focus on turn-based scraps. Plus it's set in some dungeons, as you could probably tell from the name. The battles here are wonderfully deep, and there's something for fans and newcomers alike to get their teeth into.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Eight-Minute Empire - £3.99 / $3.99

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More tactics, but this time in the shape of a board game adaptation. This one lets you create your own massive empire in, you guessed it, just eight minutes. There's a surprising amount of depth crammed into that short play time though, but the game is never overwhelming. It's smart, it's fast, and it's an awful lot of fun.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Time Crash - 99p / 99c

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Something a little more fast paced to round us off this week. Imagine if Mirror's Edge was an auto-runner and you'll get some idea of what to expect here. It's not perfect, and I wouldn't advise playing it after a large meal, but there's definitely fun to be had in its leapy, springy levels. An the neon hue it gives everything is really rather nice too.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here