The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - November 15th

By , on November 15, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 3 months ago

Wednesday has snuck up on us like some sort of big sneaky day. I don't know, I've only had one coffee so far today and quite frankly that is far from enough. I'm still bashing out content for you though, so don't complain too much.

With it being Wednesday, it's time to round up the very best games that are on sale on the App Store right now. And I'll tell you what, there are some real doozies going cheap this week. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's something for everyone. Sort of.

As usual you can smash a click on the names of the games below if you want to be taken away to the App Store. And if you think there's a game we should have included, but for some reason haven't, feel free to correct our mistake in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Dreii - £2.99 / $2.99

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A clever physics puzzler that's all about working together. You'll be connected with other players around the world, and need to use their skills to solve some tricky challenges. It's unique, it looks gorgeous, and if you haven't given it a go yet it's well worth picking up.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Solitairica - £1.99 / $1.99

A solo puzzler with a good chunk of RPG elements. That might sound a bit old hat, but Solitairica smashes the genre about in some really interesting ways. There's more to do here than in the likes of Puzzle and Dragons, and while it might not be perfect, it's a good way to while away a few lazy hours on a Sunday.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Returner 77 - £3.99 / $3.99

Are you a fan of games like The Room? Then you're going to love Returner 77. It's got a sci-fi setting, and some really interesting ideas, but the stuff-poking mechanics are all in place as well. There's a massive story to work your way through, and a lot to explore as well. Definitely one to play with the lights down low and your headphones on.

Downwell – 99p / 99c

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Put simply, this is one of the finest games that the App Store has ever seen. In fact, it's just one of the best action games period. You're falling down a well, you've got rocket launchers in your boots, and you need to survive for as long as possible. What at first might seem chaotic soon opens up into an excellent game of pushing your luck and getting annoyed by bats.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Motorsport Manager Mobile 2 - £1.99 / $1.99

If you're interested in sims or cars, then this is definitely the game for you. Run your own racing team, starting from the back of the grid and working your way to the podium. There's a lot to fiddle with, from the make-up of your team to your racer's strategies in-race. And it's all an awful lot of fun.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here