The 20 best games on sale for iPad and iPhone this Black Friday

By , on November 24, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 3 months ago

It's Black Friday, and that means that there's a whole heap of games going cheap on the App Store. But because we're so good and kind here at AppSpy, we've trawled through the sales to save you the trouble.

Here then, is a curated list of the 20 best games that are on sale right now. They're all bloody excellent, and if you haven't played any of them yet, now's the perfect time because they're going cheap, cheap, cheap.

You can click on the emboldened names of the games to download them. And if you want to check out some more hardware focused deals, head on over to our sister site Pocket Gamer by clicking this link here. It'll have you well and truly covered with that side of things.

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Prune - £1.99 / $1.99

A masterclass in game design. Slice up a tree as it grows to help it to reach its potential. Thoughtful, meditative, and an absolute must-buy for any mobile gamer.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Shadowmatic - £1.99 / $1.99

Move the camera around to form shadows into objects. It's clever, it's tricky, and it's not like anything else you've played on mobile.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Out There - 99p / 99c

A game about literally getting lost in space. Fly through the cosmos, doing your best not to run out of fuel or oxygen. Fun, thought-provoking, and wonderfully grim.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Yomi - £4.99 / $4.99

It's a fighting game, but instead of throwing out combos of button pressed, here you're slamming down cards. It shouldn't work, but it really does.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Deus Ex: The Fall - 99p / 99c

A standalone game set in the Deus Ex universe. It's a well put together FPS that manages to cram an exciting story and a lot of shooting into the palm of your hand.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Lara Croft GO - 99p / 99c

Tomb Raider distilled into a fantastic puzzle game. Avoid snakes, push switches, and make your way through jungles and temples with a grin on your face.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Age of Rivals - £1.99 / $1.99

If you're looking for a deep board game that only lasts a few minutes, then you should definitely pick this up. Smartly designed and incredibly engrossing.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Heroes of Loot 2 - 99p / 99c

A smart dungeon crawler that sees you controlling a pair of adventurers. It's fast-paced, wonderfully violent, and the sort of game you'll accidentally sink hours into.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Crashlands - £2.99 / $2.99

Stranded on an alien planet, you'll need to use all of your skills to survive. Probably the best example of the genre for mobile, it plays brilliantly and looks great too.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - 99p / 99c

The classic platformer full of farting and weird creatures, but in the palm of your hand. A solid port that works brilliantly on mobile.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Dust: An Elysian Tail - £2.99 / $2.99

A side-scrolling action RPG that's really a joy to behold. Race through legions of enemies, hacking and slashing and laughing as you do.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Monument Valley 2 - £1.99 / $1.99

The game that's likely to dominate all of the best of lists come the end of the year. A wonderful puzzler that's warm, engaging, and an absolute joy from start to finish.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Bertram Fiddle: Episode One - Free

A hilarious point-and-click adventure with a decidedly British sense of humour. Solve puzzles, meet whacky characters, and try to get to the bottom of a murder mystery.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Galaxy of Pen and Paper - £2.99 / $2.99

A brilliant game within a game that sees you taking control of a party of players who are in the middle of a space-faring table top RPG. Warm and funny in all the right ways.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Alto's Adventure - 99p / 99c

If you passed this one off as another auto-runner then you've been severely mistaken. This is a wonderful game of sliding down a mountain and trying to catch llamas.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Iron Marines - £2.99 / $2.99

The RTS perfected for mobile. It takes ideas from other genres and folds them in to one of the most satisfying tactical experiences of the year.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Home - 99p / 99c

A survival horror game that tells its story in thick pixels. It's unsettling in all of the right ways. The sort of thing you're going to want to play with all of the lights off.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Framed 2 - £1.99 / $1.99

The sequel to one of the most intriguing narrative adventures in recent time. Rearrange the panels in a series of comics to change the outcome and guide the heroes to safety.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

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Severed - £2.99 / $2.99

A game that's all about slicing up monsters. It's perfect for touch screen, and it's always throwing new ideas and concepts into the mix.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Icewind Dale - £4.99 / $4.99

If you're a fan of classic RPGs, then this is one you need to pick up. It's a massive game, and for less than a fiver an absolute steal.