The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - December 15th

By , on December 15, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 2 months ago

Oh what a week it has been. Games have been flying at us left right and centre. Some of them have been ace, some of them have been real good, and some of them have been amazing. It has been what we here at AppSpy like to call a bit of a crazy one.

So cutting everything down to just five games has been a bit of a chore. We got there in the end though. You can click on the names of the games below to download them from the App Store. And feel free to chuck your own suggestions into the comments at the bottom of the article. I'm pretty sure you're going to have some.

Life is Strange

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One of the best adventure games of the past couple of years finally makes it to mobile. It's not what you might expect, but there's an awful lot of intriguing story to get through here. And it plays just as well on your phone as it did on anything else.


A grim and heartless puzzling platformer from the dev behind Limbo. Make it through a dystopian future, pull the tail off a pig, and control people with your mind. Oh, and also get murdered in lots and lots of horrible ways.

Fez Pocket Edition

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It's been a long time coming, but this pocket-sized version of the classic platformer was worth the wait. The controls are pretty slick, the presentation is perfect, and if you've yet to experience the dimension-shifting fun then this is well worth a look.


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Imagine Framed, but instead of comic panels you're moving Photoshop layers around. That's sort of Gorogoa. But it's also a lot more than that. It's intriguing, it's intelligent, and if you're looking for a puzzler that does things differently it's well worth a download.

Like a Boss!

Ever wanted to be the final boss in an MMO raid? No? Well, Like a Boss let's you do it anyway. It's essentially a casual RPG, but there's a good deal of heart and humour here too. If you love games abut numbers going up then you're going to find a lot to like in this one.