Solve visual programming puzzles when While True: Learn() comes to iOS and Android in 2018

By , on January 10, 2018
Last modified 7 years, 1 month ago

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Mobile is no stranger to programming-based puzzlers, from Zachtronics’ early SpaceChem to the charming Human Resource Machine. But outside of TIS-100, most are abstractions of the concept; While True: Learn() promises an interesting approach, focused on placing you in the chair of a machine learning specialist, when the game launches on mobile this year.

Acting with intent as a puzzle game and an educational tool, While True: Learn() presents you with problems themed around managing data and code for various tasks, and then gives you a toolbox of components to solve these logistical puzzles. It seems simple in execution - no actual coding, just dragging and connecting decision trees and garabage bin folders and speed modifiers - but tricky in finding solutions, as more data and more complex outcomes are introduced.

While True: Learn() plans to cover the history of programming, progressing from before the 1970s till modern times, with different tools and tasks based on the time period. Solve puzzles, and you’ll earn money, letting you remain a freelancer or expand into your own start-up.

While True: Learn() is slated to release on iOS and Android "later in 2018"; a PC pre-alpha demo is currently available through the While True website