The Room: Old Sins brings a new collection of eldritch puzzle boxes to iOS on January 25th

By , on January 18, 2018
Last modified 7 years, 1 month ago

The Room: Old Sins

The Room series has grown with each entry for the single table of the first game to the multiple rooms and endings of the third. The next game looks to evolve the series again, when The Room: Old Sins launches on iPad and iPhone next Thursday.

The core concept is still unlocking mysterious strucures and boxes through tactile puzzles, but Old Sins takes a new, and technically smaller, approach. Set within the halls and rooms of a dollhouse, you interact with the various areas and creations throughout, solving puzzles that can affect other rooms beyond the one you’re currently in. All manner of hidden compartments, disguised switches, and reality-bending eldritch designs await within Old Sins’ puzzles, as you uncover their secrets and learn more about the lovecraftian backstory of The Room series.

You can pre-order The Room: Old Sins on the App Store for $4.99, ahead of its release next week.