Smash, slice, and blast your way through heavy metal hell in vertical platformer Hellbreaker

By , on February 5, 2018
Last modified 7 years ago

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Tower Fortress fans looking for more upward-driven action may want to keep an eye on Hellbreaker, a new vertical roguelike platformer headed to iOS and Android this year.

Placing you in the demon-killing shoes (and mutated arm) of the warrior Arok, Hellbreaker challenges you to escape a randomly generared hell, navigating vertically through a gauntlet of beasts, traps, and bosses. Obliterating your way through this eldritch prison may be harder, but doing so while chaining together combos and avoiding damage is the true test; as you progress upward, selected perks let you modify Arok‘s abilities as well as unlock the power of your projectile-firing demonic form, all to a back drop of heavy metal and pixel art.

Hellbreaker doesn’t have a specific release date yet, but for more details and screenshots, you can visit the game’s official site.