Brew Town is a build-your-own-brewery simulator, heading to iOS and Android in March

By , on February 6, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 12 months ago

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Management sims have always been a thriving little niche on mobile, between entries such as Game Dev Story and Motorsport Manager. Coming next month, Brew Town promises an unique premise for the genre, letting you start and expand a brewery empire.

From small beginnings, you’ll be able to unlock dozens of structures and beer flavors, using your business’ earnings to grow into a sprawling compound encompassing bars, manufacturing, and shipment. With success comes new receipes to widen your brewery‘s assortment of beers, as missions and leaderships to test your management prowess.

For creative players, Brew Town even lets you create and customize your beer bottles and logos in a robust editor, complete with multiple layers of decals to rotate and position for the perfect design.

Brew Town is currently in beta and is expected to arrive on the App Store and Google Play sometime in March. You can find more details on the game’s official site.