Hang-glide with skill in colorful arcade game Ava Airborne, out now on iOS

By , on April 5, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 10 months ago

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Laser Dog has been releasing clever arcade games on the App Store since their 2013 debut Puk, and the hang-gliding Ava Airborne looks like a welcome addition to their library with its release on iOS.

As the titular Ava, you ride the winds through a hazarous sky, weaving through hoops, around killer ballons and floating barriers, deadly windmills and lasers, among other obstacles. SImple controls allow you to loop and dive with ease, gaining altutude to rise above traps or diving to gain speed; as you master the controls, you're able to collect more point ballons and unlock special contraption customizations, ranging from bottle rockets to biplane wings, while friendly companions offer a aerial boosts at opportune moments.

Ava Airborne can be downloaded for free on iPad and iPhone.