Silverfish DX brings updated neon arcade action to iOS later this year

By , on May 1, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 9 months ago

Originally released in 2010, Silverfish was one of iOS's early and interesting dual stick arcade game, focusing on evasion rather than aggressive firepower. Eight years later, developer ChaoticBox is nearing release of their updated Silverfish DX, bringing a new and improved version of the neon-infused action to mobie.


As the titular Silverfish, you must weave and flow through increasingly cluttered arenas, dodging hordes of enemies while activating bombs to destroy surrounded monsters. This simple concept was made thrilling through tight controls and visual spectacle as the vibrant enemies flooded the screen. The DX version will remake the game with HD graphics, larger arenas, new enemy behaviors, and tighter controls to maneuver more effectively.

Silverfish DX is currently in beta testing, and is expected to release on iOS devices and Apple TV. The game doesn't have a release date yet, but you can follow its progress through developer ChaoticBox's Twitter page.