Create-a-world multiplayer text adventure Paradise could be coming to iOS

By , on May 2, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 9 months ago

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Originally revealed in 2015, Paradise is one of the latest games from developer Hundred Rabbits, known for their unusual puzzle games and apps such as Oquonie, Hiversaires, and Verreciel. Paradise continues that trend of weird and mysterious game design with a unique approach to the text adventure. 

While the classic text adventure uses its parser design to let you explore worlds, interact with items, talk with people, and so on, Paradise is more reminiscent of creative games such as Minecraft or Little Big Planet; with parser commands like create, become, enter, transmute, and program, you can construct places and objects piece-by-piece and action-by-action. Create a house, enter the house, create a table, create machines and items on the table, program actions and behaviors for those objects...your available commands grant you powerful creative ability to mold and shape stories and places within Paradise

Paradise is currently on PC, and a mobile version is "very likely" according to a recent tweet by the developer. You can learn more about the game from its official page on and on Twitter.