World of Demons' gameplay trailer showcases stylish swordplay and painted monsters

By , on May 31, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 8 months ago

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Platinum Games revealed World of Demons last month, but this new trailer gives us a better idea of its touch-based gameplay and showes off its vibrant aesthetic more clearly.

Perhaps most interestingly was the glimpse of the larger marco game of collecting minions in your "deck", to enhance and unleash in battle. Each minion brings their own style to combat; once you're on the open battlefields, players must wield magic attacks like rings of flame and slicing wind alongside special attacks that can hit multiple foes or strike for fierce damage. 

Fourteen minutes video of gameplay with developmer commentary is also available online (courtesy of IGN), providing a longer look at the evasive combat and going into more detail on multiplayer, mechanics, bosses, and unlockables.

World of Demons is expected to release later this summer for iOS and Android, as a free-to-play game.