Only When Howling offers a personal narrative through interactive art piece

By , on June 7, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 8 months ago

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Mobile is no stranger to experience art piece games, from Plug & Play to the recent G30. Only While Howling's vibrant art style and causal design promises a personal and human narrative.

Only While Howling revolves around three characters, delving into their pysche through colorful interactive vignettes that explore each person's connections, values, struggles and sacrifices. Gameplay-wise, it's very much a causal experience designed to propel the story forward, taps and drags that cause the environments of its various illustrations to react. From psychedelic panels to scenes of domestic life, Only While Howling explores a vast gamut of imagery and themes, all told through animation and tactile interaction.

Only While Howling can be purchase for $2.99 on iOS and Android devices.