The Elder Scrolls: Blades brings first-person RPG action to mobile this September

By , on June 11, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 7 months ago

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First person RPGs such as The Quest and Ravensword have all attempted to bring the expansive adventures of titles like Elder Scrolls to mobile, but now Bethesda's famed franchise is headed to iOS in its familar form designed to best suit touchscreen, through the upcoming Elder Scrolls: Blades.

A member of the Blades order, you retuen home to find the place in ruins. With simple touch controls, your warrior ventures out into the open environments and dungeons, gathering loot, earning new skills, and gaining the resources to rebuild your destroyed home town. With money and resourced earned, you can expande and customize your town, or test your skills in the Arena through one-versus-one battles.

If the Arena is not enough, the endless dungeon known as the Abyss also awaits. In classic Elder Scrools fashion, you'll be able to engage as a brute warrior, lightning-firing mage, and other classes in between, using taps and swipes to unleash heavy strikes, deflect incoming blows, and fire magic attacks.

The Elder Scrolls: Blades is slated to release on September 1st and can be preordered on the App Store.