LEGO Star Wars Battles is an action strategy game starring characters from the entire saga

By , on September 3, 2019
Last modified 5 years, 5 months ago

LEGO Star Wars Battles in a very imaginatively-named action strategy game heading to iOS and Android devices in 2020. It comes to us from developer TT Games Brighton, and it tasks you with amassing the ultimate collection of fan-favourite Star Wars characters and vehicles.

It’s largely focused on real-time, 1V1 multiplayer battles, with a sizeable portion of deckbuilding on the side. You’ll gather together characters from the entire Star Wars Saga, including the recent spinoffs, then deploy your army and build defensive towers to capture enemy territory and take down your opponents. Sure, it’s a strategy game, but it’s also said to be very accessible.

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Some of the characters you’ll do battle with include Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Rey, and – of course – the Porgs. In terms of vehicles, you can expect to see the Millennium Falcon, AT-ATs, and TIE bombers. Likewise, matches will take place in a variety of iconic Star Wars locations.

Not much else is currently known about it beyond that, but we’ll be sure to let you know once more info pops up. Look for LEGO Star Wars Battles on the App Store and Google Play next year.