Super Dinosaur Kickin' Tail, based on the popular CG-animated show, is a Clash Royale-style PVP game that’s just launched globally for iOS and Android. The game's release was first spotted by Kongbakpao.
I actually hadn’t heard of the show prior to now, and so it came as a surprise to learn that it’s based on a comic book series by Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead, Outcast). The story revolves around child genius Derek Dynamo and his mechanically-enhanced T-Rex pal, Super Dinosaur. Together they combine their powers to do good and protect the world from the villainous Max Maximus.
As I say, gameplay here looks very reminiscent of Clash Royale, albeit with a whole lot more cyborg dinosaurs. There are currently over 180 levels to work your way through and dozens of characters to collect and upgrade. As you progress, you’ll net yourself better armour and even special attacks, so it sounds like there are a lot of unlocks to keep you hooked.
Alongside the usual weekly event challenges, you’ve got 6 main game modes, including Tower Defence, Escort, and Assault. There’s also a ranked PVP mode to take on once you’re feeling ready and have the gear to do some damage.
If you’re a fan of the genre and fancy setting a friendly cyborg dinosaur on some grunts, you’ll find Super Dinosaur Kickin' Tail available for download now for free from both the App Store and Google Play.