Marvel Realm of Champions reveals another of its houses, Apocalypse's Pyramid X

By , on April 25, 2020
Last modified 4 years, 9 months ago

Kabam's Marvel Realm of Champions has revealed another of its in-game houses, Pyramid X. It's located in the kingdom of Egyptia, which was founded by the dreaded Apocalypse. Under Apocalypse's rule, Egyptia was transformed into one of the most advanced nations on earth.

It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, however, as it turns out that Apocalypse wasn't and still isn't exactly the nicest chap, forcing compulsory eugenics and other horrors on his people. The capital of Egyptia is Mutopia, and its crowing achievement is the gold-capped Pyramid X.

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Some of the other houses you'll be able to pledge your allegiance to include the Kingdom of Wakanda, the Patriot Garrison, the Temple of Vishanti, and the House of Iron. They're all headed by some of Marvel's best-known characters.

Marvel Realm of Champions is shaping up to be one of the biggest Marvel mobile games yet. But while we know a lot about what to expect in terms of characters and houses, there isn't a whole lot of info going around about how it plays or what it's going to look like. On top of that, an exact release date is still to be announced.

Hopefully Kabam's latest will hit iOS and Android later this year. In the meantime, you'll find more info over on the game's official site