Devil's Peak Fury delivers Mad Max-inspired thrills to iOS

By , on May 18, 2020
Last modified 4 years, 9 months ago

Devil's Peak Fury is a Mad Max-inspired endless racing game that's just gone live on the App Store. Here, you'll be challenged to drift, nitro boost, and smash your way to victory through a deadly post-apocalyptic world.

Along the way, you'll face off against many violent road warriors who would like nothing better than to run you off the road and ruin your day. Progressing further and achieving a longer distance will net you some all-new vehicles to master, so there should be a decent amount of variety on offer. 

It's said to be fairly easy to get into, with a strong focus on delivering arcade action. Developer Jon Hilliard was also behind the popular Devil's Peak Rally, which seems to have used a very similar control scheme.

While some of his games have previously found their way onto Google Play, Devil's Peak Fury is currently for iOS only. You'll find it available for download now as a free-to-play title from over on the App Store. More info can be found on Hilliard's official site