Marvel Contest of Champions teams up with YouTuber The Hacksmith to create Captain America's arc reactor shield

By , on July 17, 2020
Last modified 4 years, 6 months ago

Marvel Contest of Champions has teamed up with YouTuber The Hacksmith to create Captain America's arc reactor shield. The prototype design was actually inspired by the shield wielded by Contest of Champions' Civil Warrior character.

If you're not quite up to date on the different versions of Captain America, the Civil Warrior hails from an alternate Earth ravaged by a violent civil war that broke out between Cap and Iron Man. With Tony now dead at Steve's hands, the Civil Warrior – a mix between the original Captain America and Iron Man – is born. Now, Steve uses Tony's advanced tech to make sure that no similar conflicts arise ever again.

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The video itself highlights all the work that went into making a real-life arc reactor shield. It's pretty impressive, and I reckon it's worth a watch if you're a fan of the game, or just want to see a man dressed as Captain America attempt to defend himself from stone blocks with a homemade shield.

And those yet to give Marvel Contest of Champions a go will find it available as a free-to-play game from over on Google Play and the App Store.