Catalyst Black launches into early access on iOS

By , on August 12, 2020
Last modified 4 years, 6 months ago

Vainglory developer Super Evil Megacorp has now launched its Secret Service early access programme for its second game, Catalyst Black. The much-hyped battleground shooter mixes together elements of MOBAs, arena shooters, and more to create something that should feel familiar to fans of SEMC's earlier release.

The game boasts large-scale gunfights where you'll work to secure objectives and take down rival players. Using an innovative drop-in, drop-out matchmaking system, you'll be able to easily hop into a game with your friends or leave without worrying about ruining the experience for other players.

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One of its biggest draws is the inclusion of strange masks that allow you to transform into different creatures. These seem to function as devastating ultimate attacks. The game in general sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

It's still obviously a work in progress, but the early access programme should be a great way for fans to help SEMC hone the experience and deliver another quality title. If you'd like to find out more, there's a ton of info available over on the game's official site. And know that the Secret Service early access programme is only available to iOS players.