FAR: Lone Sails soars onto mobile devices today

By , on October 22, 2020
Last modified 4 years, 2 months ago

Mobile versions of the atmospheric indie game FAR: Lone Sails are releasing today on iOS and Android.

FAR: Lone Sails is an adventure game set in a barren wasteland, the remnants of a dried-out ocean. In a large mechanical vehicle, you’re travelling across the wilderness in pursuit of a once thriving civilisation to find answers to your existence. Along the way, you have to contend with the various roadblocks that obstruct your progress, as well as dealing with hazardous weather that could stop you from achieving your goal.

To make matters more complicated, you’ll need to manage every aspect of the vehicle too. This means keeping an eye on fuel supplies as well as the condition of the contraption. These tasks may seem daunting, and they are to a degree, but they contrast well with moments of peaceful calmness when you throw the sails into wind and soar across the expansive world to the tune of tranquil melodies.


FAR: Lone Sails is the debut from Swiss indie developer Okomotive. It was originally released on PC in 2018, with console versions of PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch launching over the course of last year. Okomotive emphasises the importance of the game being more about the journey than the destination, as you “travel into the unknown, be curious, hang onto hope, but don’t forget to take care of your vehicle, which serves as your home on the road.”

It’s worth noting the game has rather simple controls as well as a low specification requirement on PC, so it was quite a realistic guess FAR: Lone Sails would eventually fly on over to iOS and Android.

You can download FAR: Lone Sails on the iOS App Store for £3.99. It’s a bit more expensive on Google Play for Android, which costs £4.49, and currently unknown if there is any extra content to explain this price hike.