Comedy point and click adventure There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension releasing for mobile later this month

By , on December 10, 2020
Last modified 4 years ago

There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension is coming to mobile later this month on 17th December.

As the title implies, Draw Me a Pixel has created a game that isn’t a game, or at least doesn’t want to be. In it, you play as a gamer who can’t believe there isn’t a game to play. As a result of their constant interference with the software, the whole thing breaks and brings them to another dimension where they must work out how to get home.

There are puzzles to solve, each one being a parody of video game culture and all that surrounds it, with titles like Papers, Please and Superhot being up there as featured parodies. You’ll need to think outside of the box if you want to find solutions for many of these puzzles. And funnily enough, there are bugs which the developer intentionally left in the game, presumably for added comedic effect.

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Here’s a trailer which shows off a bit of There Is No Game in motion. As you can see, it’s a pretty quirky game with lots of different meta references and strange, bizarre gameplay sequences.
It was originally announced to be coming to mobile back in July, after an initial launch on PC that came in August and saw an overwhelming amount of positive user reviews, currently sitting at 98% positive reception, and a score of 89 on Metacritic from different reviewers. It’s also derived from a shorter game called simply called There Is No Game (without the subtitle), which was created during the 2015 Construct Jam.

If that sounds like it’s up your alley, you can pre-order There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension now from the iOS App Store or Google Play for Android, ready to be played when it launches on 17th December. It is a premium title which costs $4.99.