Tencent is releasing a Story of Seasons mobile game later this year, and there’s a trailer available now

By , on May 24, 2021
Last modified 3 years, 8 months ago

Tencent has released a new trailer for its Story of Seasons mobile game which is coming soon to iOS and Android devices. The China-based company had announced the game earlier this year and hopes to release it sometime in 2021.

Story of Seasons Mobile is being developed by Tencent’s Next Studios and licenced by Marvelous, and brings the familiar gameplay from the series to mobile phones.

Gematsu released the trailer on its website and YouTube channel, showcasing some of the first gameplay seen for Story of Seasons Mobile which details some of the activities you’ll be able to do in-game.

It begins by showing the main player character stepping off a train, presumably about to begin their peaceful farm life in the countryside, and they become accustomed to the location and meet the town’s mayor.

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The trailer then cuts to some quick cuts of gameplay that shows some of the leisure activities you can do in Story of Seasons Mobile. This includes petting animals, riding horses, speaking with the locals and playing sports.

The video then switches to showing off some of the work elements of the game, such as cutting down trees, fishing, looking after livestock and harvesting crops. If you’re familiar with the Story of Seasons or Harvest Moon series then you should know what to expect from this, but fans of Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley will also find some of these features familiar.

Finally, the trailer ends with two characters eating dinner by candlelight under the light of the night sky. Presumably, they’re on a romantic date.

Altogether, Story of Seasons Mobile looks like it will be a popular successor to the series, and may reach more people than it ever has before thanks to its iOS and Android release. More details about the game should come later this year, so please stand by for more information as it becomes available.