Apex Legends Mobile expanding closed beta to more regions in a few weeks

By , on June 22, 2021
Last modified 3 years, 7 months ago

EA and Respawn has teased a release of Apex Legends Mobile’s closed beta test in more regions to come at some point in a few weeks.

In a tweet made on the official Respawn Twitter account, Indonesia, Peru, Colombia, Egypt and Lebanon were confirmed as the next regions to be able to access the upcoming Apex Legends Mobile closed beta test. This follows on from the game being previously available in India and the Philippines.

Respawn has not yet provided a concrete release date for when this will launch, except that it will appear on iOS and Android storefronts in those countries sometime “in a few weeks”.

Apex Legends has been a popular multiplayer shooter since its original release on PC and console back in 2019. When it was first announced for mobile, many players anticipated it could be a strong contender for mobile battle royales, while EA emphasised its mechanics differed from its rival games that allows it to stand out amongst the crowd.

With the arrival of the beta in new regions, EA hopes to get more feedback towards improving the game and shape it into the type of experience that can emulate the game’s success on PC and console. Since it was announced last year, it is best to assume this staggered release is to ensure the game becomes a hit on mobile.

Besides that, we don’t yet know when to expect the full version of Apex Legends Mobile to release on mobile stores. It could possibly happen before the end of the year, but EA is taking it slow to ensure the game gets the love it deserves. It will launch on both iOS and Android.