Jet Set Games has just released an update for Highborn, the recently released strategy game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The update adds iOS 4 compatibility along with several new community-requested features. In addition, the company announced that in celebration of the July 4th holiday, Highborn is on sale for only $.99 from today through July 4th.
Update Includes:
- iOS 4 compatibility
- The option to skip viewingenemy 3D combat
- The option to disable combatspell display if no spells are currently available
- Performance enhancements inMap Mode
- The ability to restart amission from the mission select screen
- Updates to several spelleffect and combat environment graphics
- The ability to load acheckpoint or restart a mission from within combat
- Fixes a lockup in Mission 4:"The Brass Chef," that was affecting some users
- Fixes a crash bug that canhappen when receiving a phone call or quitting combat
Checkout our Video Review of Highborn: